My Dancing Doll Dance Camp
Occurs on
Monday July 31 2023
Approximate running time: 2 hours and 30 minutes
Event Notes
Ages: Kinder-3rd Grade (Going into these grades)
Dates: Monday-Friday July 31st - August 4, 2023
Time: 10:00 am-1:00 pm
Location: Studio A 2019 Civic Circle
Tuition: $111/session
Brink a sack lunch, drink provided.
Instructor: Lugene Cole
Class curriculum: A comprehensive fun twist on ballet, tap and jazz mixed in with the classics of dance. Dancers will bring a doll to dance with and learn proper technique. A fun field trip with parents to a doll house with snacks will be held at the end of camp.
Attire: leotard & tights (optional warm ups, skirts etc.) appropriate shoes for ballet. No drinks, please.